Monday, September 25, 2006

WARNING: Sappy love fest to follow

On the way home from Mumbles' wedding, my signficant other and I were talking about my carpool mates. It occurred to me, as it did to her, that I really do carpool with the nicest group of people ever, and that I am really lucky. As much as we bag on one another and make fun of all our little, well, ticks if you will, you're not going to meet a nicer group of people (myself excluded, of course. I mean, my name doesn't exactly imply "nice"). I love that Fidget always tells me if I have something stuck in between my front teeth right before I go to have a meeting with my boss and that he knows about things like the holy foreskin. I love that I can ask Sparky the stupidest of questions, and he'll never laugh or make fun of me (at least, not in front of my face). Mumbles, for the 33% of what he says that I can understand, is a neverending source of laughter and well, frankly, total chaos. I love it. In fact, I look forward to the trek to Salem and back, something that no one who hears about my commute understands. But, if they met the three that I carpool with, they'd totally get it.


At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. That was very sweet.

Now everyone will know why we call you "Madd Dogg."


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