Tuesday, July 11, 2006


You may recall that, in yesterday's post, I unilaterally dubbed Madd Dogg "the acerbic" -- at least for purposes of the upcoming Smackdown Tennis Tournament. As it turns out, Madd Dogg is not such a big fan of being called "the acerbic." Oh, let me be clear: She doesn't object because of a belief that she is not acerbic; she just doesn't know what the word "acerbic" means.

In subsequent questioning about why Madd Dogg didn't just get a dictionary and look the word up, Madd Dogg was acting very sour toward me. She was suddenly harsh. One might even have described her temper as severe. Oh, I don't know. Maybe she's not acerbic after all.

In related news, Madd Dogg jabbed me in the back of the neck with Mumbles's emergency divining rod (in case he ever gets stuck in the desert). Because Madd Dogg was in the back seat at the time, I had to reach back to defend myself. Well, big friggin' surprise, the divining rod broke. Mumbles said that I was 51% to blame, and that Madd Dogg was only 49% to blame. Sparky (my tennis buddy) leapt to my defense, but to no avail. (No sweat, Sparky. We'll just have to take it out on them at Saturday's Smackdown.)

At any rate, Madd Dogg did not know what a divining rod was either. Sheesh. Well, Madd Dogg, here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divining_rod.

(DISCLAIMER: Madd Dogg is, in truth, a smart cookie. It must simply be dumb luck that, in the span of one day, we came across the only two words/phrases that she doesn't know).

[Photo by raemin]


At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, what the f*ck. For the record, the "divining rod" was a stick in the shape a wishbone. I was merely scratching Fidget's back when he reached back, snatched it out of my hands, and crushed it in two. Figdet should consider himself lucky he was only found to be 51% liable. LUCKY. And who the bleep knows what a freakin' divining rod is anyway? Or, more importantly, who cares? I choose not to fill my head with definitions of meaningless words, chosing instead to fight for the powerless, the disenfranchised, and the disadvantaged.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

acerbic: adj. 1. sour or astringent in taste 2. harsh or severe, as of temper or expression.


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