Wednesday, October 04, 2006


We at SFZ don't have anything hugely exciting to report...just your run of the mill commuting back and forth, back and forth. Only the back and forth is being further complicated by not one, but two detours and frankly, it's starting to piss me off. We at SFZ are creatures of routine, perhaps more so than most. Sparky, in particular, doesn't like change. So, this morning, as I drove down towards our carpool meeting spot, I noticed giant DO NOT PARK HERE and ROAD CLOSED signs. What the bleeping bleep is that about? Do they not know that we PARK THERE EVERYDAY? Did they ask us before they closed it? Nooo....instead, we had to drive, like, miles away to park somewhere else, a location much more likely to lead to breakins and dogs pissing on our wheels. Grrr.

If that's not bad enough, there's the detour once we leave PDX and get to Solame. Oops, meant Salem. We take the same path to work every day. Did I mention that we're creatures of habit? Then, one recent day, we encounter a sign that says that our road will be closed for months. Do they not know that WE DRIVE THAT WAY EVERY DAY?? Did they ask us whether the bridge needed to be seismically upgraded? I think not...

What's my point, you ask? I don't have one, people. I'm just irritated that it's dark when I get up, it's dark when I get home, and I can't drive or park in my usual bleeping places.


At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I like! The old-style, surly Madd Dogg!


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