Saturday, February 10, 2007

Searching for SFZ. . .

It was a sad, sad week. My first week fly'in solo instead of being wrapped in the cozy confines of SFZ. As some of our more regular readers know (yes, all three of you), I had to extricate myself from SFZ because I switched jobs and couldn't be tied to a strict 'pool-friendly schedule. Plus, instead of trying to dodge rubberbands from Fidget or stacking random items on Fidget's or Madd Dogg's desk, I needed access to set of wheels during the day. And so, this was my first week alone each day on the commute.

And by the looks of it, I've missed out on the longest note competition and some other fun stuff. (For the record, I totally could have taken Mumbles's feeble 50+ seconds.) I never really ran with a crew before and so I'll miss SFZ dearly. I knew they had my back even if it meant I had to endure getting stink-eye from Madd Dogg or being served a Sparky sandwich.

Drive well my friends. I can't wait to read the stories captured here. And, I'm always free to mediate any disputes via phone.

Peace out!


At 9:23 AM, Blogger Madd Dogg said...

We miss you, Sparky. Come back soon.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With you gone, we've had to turn to Madd Dogg as the resident carpool member most likely to feign sleep.

You will be (and are) truly missed.

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Madd Dogg said...

Fidget, I wasn't "feigning" sleep, you dumbass. I was actually trying to sleep, and then I heard your coat and your plot with Mumbles to run us off the road. Geez.

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'll miss all the made-up history that the Blog provides?


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