Friday, October 13, 2006

The Carpool Rules of Sleep

In case you three faithful readers haven't been paying attention, we have a lot of rules in carpool. Lots and lots. It's hard to keep up, we know. So I thought I'd educate you on one of rules: the rule of sleep (and the difficulties I've been having with sleeping in the 'pool lately).

The Rules of Sleep

1. You can sleep in carpool anytime.
2. You can't use your carpool mates lap or shoulder as a pillow, lest you drool on them.
3. You can't pretend you're sleeping and then interject randomly into conversations. It's disconcerting.
4. You can't leap into the front seat at the beginning of carpool, only to fall asleep. It leaves the driver lonely.
5. Related to #4, the person in the front seat really should stay awake unless the two in the backseat have fallen asleep (I may have recently violated this rule, but I was so tired) .
6. You cannot drop things down a sleeping person's shirt, mess with their stuff, or otherwise disturb them while the person is sleeping. And yes, this rule is violated all the time.
7. You can't snore....oh wait. That brings me to the difficulties I've been having sleeping...

TWICE this week, I've been in a beautiful slumber, deep in R.E.M., when lo and behold, I hear a distant rumble. Is it an overhead low flying plane? Nope. Something wrong with the car? Not that either. So I drag my eyes open, pissed as hell, only to realize that it's another carpool mate slumbering and sawing logs. Now granted, we're in a confined space so it sounds louder than it probably really is, but it's loud enough to wake me up. And I'm a heavy sleeper. So each time this has happened, I promptly violate rule #6 in some manner. I guess in some respects, it's a little endearing that someone would feel so comfortable in the 'pool so as to fall asleep so deeply as to snore. But seriously, I need my beauty rest too. So my Doggs, I think a mass distribution of earplugs is in order.


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