Monday, July 17, 2006

Vote Early, Vote Often

The Sparky and Mumbles "Suri Watch" is at 23 days. And still nary a post from either of those poolies. I don't think that Madd Dogg or I have wanted to admit it, but it is quite possible that those guys simply don't exist. Maybe we have multiple personalities, like Sally Field in Sybil or John Cusack in Identity.

Help us out. Are we unstable?

Do Sparky and Mumbles Exist?
Yes, they are just flaky as hell.
No, you guys are seriously losing it.
Hmm. I don't really give a crap.
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At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Vote Early, Vote Often" was an oft-used phrase during Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago (father of the current Mayor Daley). Apparently, it wasn’t uncommon for dead people, minors, and yes, people made up by others, to vote in the various elections during the elder’s reign. So I'm not sure polling the existence or non-existence may be the answers. Perhaps, instead of emulating the paparazzi, you should provide Sparky and Mumbles a welcoming community in which they desire to post. Easy on the stick and more with the carrot.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. Carrots are for rabbits.


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